lauantai 30. kesäkuuta 2018

Hiya everybodyyyy!  💗
So today i realised that once you put your stuff on the internet there might come some bad feedback as well. Didn't think it would be so fast tho. The reason i got bad feedback is because of the ”vulgar language" i use here. Well, it's ok, I mean, everyone has the right to their own opinion and that is perfectly fine. We are all different, we dont have to agree or like the same things. The name of my blog is ”Momhood Uncensored". Straight away the name should give you a sign. Maybe i should put an R-rated sign? Know what? Nevermind. Done! Hope its visible enough.
     Yes, to some it might be they find my language vulgar, but i mean, I'm just putting my thoughts straight onto the blog, no filther, uncensored, honest. I mean, I don't think y'all fine ladies don't ever feel like just letting shit out of your mouth or onto a txt without having to be all nice about it. It shouldnt lower your  opinion on someone because at the end of the day they are just words. I mean, sorry, actually no! Im not sorry for not writing about the same stuff most mommy bloggers out there write about.(no offence please, you guys are doing an awesome job, really). So from me to all the ladies out there at least, use whatever goddamn language you please!
     With that being said, I was thinking today i should write a bit about me as a person, so we can get to know eachother a bit better before anything. Hmmm… where should i start. Well you already know my age and gender, if not, go to my first post and you'll find out. Personality wise, I am not shy on having an opinion, but at times i am concerned about what other might think of me. I’m The kind of person who wants other to be comfortable around me, laugh, enjoy themselves. I am totaly insane and annoying sometimes. I like openly talking about any kind of topic, especially about feelings or listen to others. I love being in control and snap imediatly if things dont go my way(even i feel sorry for my Boyfriend at times; he most love me very much). I love cooking so if anyone has a good recipe feel free to share! I suck at baking tho. Hmmm, maybe that should do for today, let me not bore you anymore and end this by saying i wouldnt change the slightest thing about me(okay, okay, we could get rid of the belly fat i still have after pregnancy).
     So darlings, what is your opinions on yourselves? Do you love yourselves just the way you are? Please feel free to share. Okaay, guess i ll see you guys tomorrow, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite.

P.s Here s a photo of very cute baby boy who is currently teething, which i feel very bad about, but he s very brave and mommy and daddy are so proud of him!

perjantai 29. kesäkuuta 2018


    It's 23:25 here in Finland atm and still bright as fuck. Well at least baby boy sleeps like an angel. I gotta admit we are pretty darn lucky. We have such an easy child to take care of, if I can say so. He rarely cries, like.. once a month, eats almost anything, no allergies, got a cold once when we first took him out, SLEEPS like an angel at night(now he's teething so its been a bit shitty at times but still can't complain).
   Anyways, just wanna say, hope everyone reading this(those too who have better stuff to do than reading my shitty blog; come read it anyway🤩)  has a really nice day, if not, well, sorry, wish I'd have superpowers and make it all better. Now that i have that out of the way, just so i don't forget my thought, was thinking that
"The hangover" (watching it right now) is a pretty good movie in my opinion, because we can all relate to it somehow( people💩). Did shit we don't remember, acted stupid, been in fights, the walk of shame, had really bad hangovers and wonder what the fuck happened last night. Next to me lies my baby and gets me thinking.
   Do I miss that kind of lifestyle?
   Partying and all that.
   I mean, yeah I had fun, crazy Times, wohoo! But no, I dont miss it, at all. I meaån look at his angel face. Yeah, sometimes maybe I'd like to crap without being in a hurry, make Food without burning myself, because I'm in a hurry, etc. But i think most moms and dads would like that(yeah, dads too, those who help their children and wives/girlfriends/dads matter too). I love being at home, seeing him have fun, enjoying himself, knowing that I helped achieve that, I love giving him baths, knowing that is his favourite, love having sore nipples, knowing he gets the best nutrition, and so on. What i do miss though is sexy time with my man! I mean...WHO knew having sex gets to be a .. rare thing when once we used to have it EVERYDAY. It's not that we don't want to, its just so difficult to get there. Every day is hectic, work, Food, bathe, clean. The other day i was going down on him, was feeling super sexy and shit and of course the little one had to start crying. It's like he senses and says to himself "Nop, not gonna happen fuckers".  Anyway, when we do get to have sex, its amazing everytime so, its worth the wait 🤣.
       Anyway, let me know if you miss ya old times and why? Also, how much sexy time you think couples with babies should have or try to have? No judging! Anything is admitted here.
     Gonna go enjoy my foot massage now and maybe fall asleep(would be awesome). Ill see you guys tomorrow. Good night!💙


The one who knows where all your s**t is, the one who tells you what to do and when to, the one that cooks for you, the one who cleans after you, a crazy person, the one you don't want to f**k with, the one who busted you out of her vagina(my case c-section), etc.
In my case, I'm a 27 years old mom, who gave birth to the sweetest 8 month-old boy, soon to be 9, whom I love to death and who I'm sure will think all those things about me at one poing or another in his life, because thats what I thought of my mom, when i was an ungrateful teenage, hormonal girl(sorry mom, i love you). There's hope though, maybe he'll turn out to be more like his dad, calm, patient, etc. But as i see him now, as i watch him sleep, I'm terrified he'll be as dramatic and loud as me. But we can always hope, can't we?
That being said, this blog may contain words not everyone approves such as F**k, s**t, and so on. Thought I'd censore the words so i dont scare you off imediatly, but we all know once you have a child, you can't even s**t In peace. Also the blogs name is "Momhood uncensored ", so don't expect rainbows and unicorns(ok maybe sometimes).

  1. Its getting kinda late and although they say you should get as much sleep while the baby sleeps, for some reason at night i have most energy, so i'll go watch some "Sex and the City". See you tomorrow!  Good night, don't let the bugs bite💓

P.s. Feel free to ask about anything ! Pregnancy, periods, poop, etc(even intimacy). After all, it's not called "Momhood uncensored" for nothing!

"Me" time

       Today while getting my nails done, it just hit me that i am so privileged being able as a mom to have some me-time. Happens onc...